蘭姆巧克力雪球-Christmas Rum ball |
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
聖誕節常備甜點: 老奶奶牌蘭姆巧克力雪球-Christmas Rum ball (old lady guarantied)
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Christmas greeting-The Nutcracker, Queensland Ballet (聖誕節常備節目: 胡桃鉗, 昆洲芭蕾)
2010 Queensland Ballet-The Nutcracker |
It is the kind of performance you expect to received audiences from the age 7 to 77. The audiences come to share some Christmas spirit, they expect the performance to create the right atmosphere.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
NEW~Espresso bar-Glow (Campos coffee beans) 布里斯本新義式濃縮咖啡吧 GLOW
This fresh new expresso bar probably only has been a week old, 'Glow' the name. Took me by surprise, when I saw people walking down Grey street with the green 'CampoS' cup--one of my favourites.
There are only that many places to have a caffeine fix around south bank, even fewer if you want something more than a cup of browned water.
There are only that many places to have a caffeine fix around south bank, even fewer if you want something more than a cup of browned water.
Friday, 3 December 2010
不知道要多少時間, 才能把對老師您的感念寫盡?
回到布里斯本後, 便一直在打聽王老師的消息, 以前一起上課的同學早已各奔東西, 身邊沒有人和老師還保有連絡的. 直到上星期, 拜現在網路資訊發達之賜, 及網友熱情相助, 終於讓我得知王老師的近況, 卻不知道是不是寧願不知道的好?
上面這短短的幾行字, 是回到澳洲後幾次機緣巧合之下再度得到王羽教授的近況時所寫下的. 老師當時已纏綿病禢有段時間, 意識也不清楚了, 無緣再見一面. 寫了幾行, 心酸難盡, 一直沒有完成.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Simply No Fuss Berry Semifredo-簡易莓果冰淇淋蛋糕
戰鬥版莓果冰淇淋蛋糕 |
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
治癒系食譜: 發洩鬱悶的蔬菜燉煮羊排-Braise Vegetable& Lamb Chops: A Psychotherapy
Friday, 19 November 2010
La Renaissance Café Patisserie, The Rocks, Sydney--雪梨岩石區 "文藝復興" 法式咖啡座
La Renaissance Café Patisserie 47 Argyle Street, The Rocks, Sydney |
前幾天看到相簿裡這幾張照片才想起年中去雪梨時, 還有一家岩石區的咖啡店沒記. La Renaissance 的官網上有說, 這是一家始於 1974 年的家族事業.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Tetsuya on TV 11 Nov Thursday Night
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Photo: Jennifer Soo, taken from 'Sydney Morning Herald' http://www.smh.com.au/news/ |
One of the internationally recognised chefs Tetsuya is going to be on TV Thursday 11 November (tomorrow night) at 7:30pm on SBS One. "Tetsuya's Pursuit of Excellence" it's called, apparently going to look at his life since his arrival in Sydney. According to the chef, when he first arrived in Australia, he has no money, no skills and no English, "But somehow, I like this place" (Dianne Butler, The Courier-Mail, Wed. Nov. 2010 p.12)
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Simple principle for managed funds
So called 4433 principle
- within the same sector, find the top 1/4 of the current year ranking list.
- Filter them through the 2, 3 and 5 years ranking list by the top 1/4.
- leave out the one did not make into the top 1/3 in the last 6-3 months.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Lunch at San-Kai South Bank, Brisbane (布里斯本南岸公園--山海日式午餐)
San-Kai Japanese restaurant has opened for over just a month or two. When it first started the waiting period during the lunch rush was too long to bear. It was not caused by the amount of people waiting, but the slow service at the counter.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Max Brenner-South Bank Brisbane 布里斯本巧克力專賣店
The Counter-Brisbane |
Facilitating skills
Have been looking for facilitating resources after the workshops. Spotted 2 books yesterday, although not ideal, it did have a noteworthy list of facilitating skills.
Friday, 22 October 2010
"2 in 1" Japanese Bakery, Adelaide Street, Brisbane-part 2 布里斯本日式烘焙坊
Have been to this Japanese bakery a few times now since it opened. The cake & sweet selections are very nice. Here goes some of my favourite. Mousse cakes are generally delightful.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Adjudicating & Forum
Started working by 8am on Sunday, fortunately it was still cool in Brisbane. No cars nor people on the street. Went to the awards ceremony with the boss, just a few things to jog down for future references.
- When giving comments, be general and positive. Address the attendees and prise the effort.
- Short comments on the prize wining work (in another word, note down the qualities could be mentioned while examining).
- Is there a general movement or feature? Isn't there? The reason? any deduction/induction from the signs?
- breaking down the phrases' regularities by giving pre-set number of beats/notes. random numbers e.g. phone no#.
- practice the establishment of tonal centre use the same scale.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
After Workshop
戰戰兢兢的上完今天學生的大班課, 讓我想起剛入國中時, 在眾人面前發言就會緊張臉紅的往事. 據說因為微血管靠近表皮的關係, 臉紅又快又明顯. 這件事若講給國中後才認識的朋友聽, 大概沒幾個人相信吧.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
"Garrick Ohlsson On Technique: Mastering the Paradoxical Element of Control" by Kathleen Riley with John Chong
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Picture taken from http://www.claviercompanion.com/access 9 Oct 2010 Clavier Companion September/October 2010 Vol 2 No 5 |
The cover of the latest Clavier Companion September/October issue had "Garrick Ohlsoon Talks Technique" printed bold and large with his photo. Ever since I went to his concert last July in Sydney, my curiosity of this great pianists floods by admiration. This article claimed to reveal Garrick Ohlsson's playing magic by measuring his muscle tension and biomechanical movement. Sounds just too interesting to be missed.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
"2 in 1" Japanese Bakery, Adelaide Street, Brisbane
The 'green tea and red bean' bun from the recently opened Japanese Bakery '2 in 1' on Adelaide Street.
green tea & red bean bun |
Saturday, 25 September 2010
"Don Quixote" by Ballet Nacional de Cuba in Brisbane 2010
Live music performance by The Queensland Symphony Orchestra |
Monday, 20 September 2010
看了幾天前獻醜的家常食譜, 爸爸今天又多寫了兩道容易下飯的菜色給我. 不禁讓我想到十幾歲剛到國外當小留學生, 爸爸一開始寫過40幾道食譜給我的事. 雖是家常料理, 但許多是在國外不易取得的食材, 嚴格說起來不太常用. 之後因為我撒賴說不實用, 太花時間, 又再寫了一本留學生30分鐘上菜的食譜. 幾年來因自己對吃有興趣, 看節目, 吃餐館, 翻食譜上課. 東一點西一點, 會做的菜色是漸漸多了起來. 開伙時, 要是一個月間吃到重覆的菜色, 就會覺得日子過得不太好, 做菜時該更用點心思.
身邊朋友很多向我討過這份食譜, 總覺得這是屬於我個人的特別的東西, 千百般不願意. 其實也沒什麼特別的, 不過是家常料理. 坊間食譜何其多, 一點也不稀奇. 但是爸爸為我寫的的食譜, 用的計量器是家裡伸手可及的工具, 一匙瓷湯匙的量, 一個拳頭大小, 像大姆指的長度, 除了我, 誰能清楚明白呢? 因為孩子遠在異鄉, 不能現場示範, 所以盡其可能的交待細節. 除了爸爸, 誰會在食譜裡說熱鍋時 "可用布把水擦乾, 節省瓦斯", 把薑片炒到8分熟是要炒到 "濃濃的薑味"?
身邊朋友很多向我討過這份食譜, 總覺得這是屬於我個人的特別的東西, 千百般不願意. 其實也沒什麼特別的, 不過是家常料理. 坊間食譜何其多, 一點也不稀奇. 但是爸爸為我寫的的食譜, 用的計量器是家裡伸手可及的工具, 一匙瓷湯匙的量, 一個拳頭大小, 像大姆指的長度, 除了我, 誰能清楚明白呢? 因為孩子遠在異鄉, 不能現場示範, 所以盡其可能的交待細節. 除了爸爸, 誰會在食譜裡說熱鍋時 "可用布把水擦乾, 節省瓦斯", 把薑片炒到8分熟是要炒到 "濃濃的薑味"?
Sunday, 19 September 2010
訪雪梨金唐海鮮酒家 (Golden Century Seafood Restaurant)
前兩個月去雪梨除了一場銷魂的音樂會外, 還難得湊到一桌人, 去了聞名遐邇的金唐海鮮酒家. 其它菜色不看也罷, 大老遠去當然是吃帝王蟹, 可選兩吃或三吃, 就是椒鹽, 蔥薑, 意麵.
Friday, 17 September 2010
薑汁豬肉燒 (仿料理東西軍家常版)
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Beethoven's Symphony No. 7, A major, Op. 92, II movement
Clips taken from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uOxOgm5jQ4&feature=player_embedded
For people who is not familiar with the score, this might be an interesting way of reading the piece.
For people who is not familiar with the score, this might be an interesting way of reading the piece.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
布里斯本近郊一日去處: Queensland Montville 'The Edge Restaurant'
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Boulez Structures - Structures I (1952)
Went to S's place and typed the music examples for Boulez's 'Structures I' last Sunday night. Very inspiring. The vertical design of the sonority immediately attracted my attention.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Garrick Ohlsson-Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 (蕭邦第二號鋼琴協奏曲)
Friday, 13 August 2010
Realising another thing on 2010 list
One of the 2010 plan is to learn a string instrument. Thanks to H, I have finally own a violin. Personally, I would love to learn the cello but there is simply no space to store a cello in my room.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Friday, 30 July 2010
墨爾本之行新訪巧克力店: Gânache Chocolate, South Yarra
上半年來墨爾本前 L 便大力推薦過這家巧克力店, 礙於行程短促, 沒有到訪. 這次正好來 South Yarra 吃火鍋, 跟 Gânache 就在同一條街上, 星期五營業到十點, 不去真是說不過. 雖已吃喝不了任何東西, 還是去帶了記念品.
真正踏進店門是頭一遭, 但卻不是第一次吃到他們家的巧克力了. 這次帶的以水果口味偏多.
真正踏進店門是頭一遭, 但卻不是第一次吃到他們家的巧克力了. 這次帶的以水果口味偏多.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
墨爾本行新造訪店家之一: 天府川菜館 (Sichuan Hot Pot, South Yarra, Melbourne)
上週再度造訪墨爾本, 續年初的毛血旺之後, 再和 O 約出來吃辣. O 的表弟推薦了一家在 South Yarra 火車站不遠的川菜館-'天府'. 墨爾本天氣極冷, 又時不時飄個小雨, 正是吃火鍋的天氣.
Friday, 9 July 2010
自由即興草莓優格乳酪蛋糕-Strawberry Yoghurt Cheese Cake
前兩天收到 T 送的 "食物與廚藝" 套書, 驚喜十分. 事實上盯著這套書已有一陣子, 只是不敢下手, 居處空間有限, 汗牛充棟, 向來是我很大的煩腦. 但朋友相贈畢竟不同, 順著這個藉口可以毫不心虛的收入書櫃.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Saturday, 3 July 2010
最近一星期明顯的比較冷, 中午有時不到二十度, 算是布里斯本的冬天了. 這個月是澳洲結稅大打折的月份, 卻什麼也沒添購, 忙到連出門逛街買東西的時間也無. 從學期開始到現在, 除了期中非常短暫的幾天有老同學來訪出門走走之外, 便是滾陀螺一般一直沒停過. 好不容易學生的作品改完, 報告交給學校, 才有時間見到自己的教授.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Peach & Cream Cake Roll-水蜜桃鮮奶油蛋糕捲
試作幾次戚風蛋糕後, J 弟有一天語重心長的說 '我覺得為了要保持你做戚風蛋糕的水準, 你應該要常常練習, 最少一星期一次.'
把這段話解碼後是這樣的 '我吃不慣洋風重口味的海綿或磅蛋糕, 可是戚風蛋糕像台灣蛋榚店的蛋糕, 而且你做的還不賴, 我希望有機會一星期吃一次.'
把這段話解碼後是這樣的 '我吃不慣洋風重口味的海綿或磅蛋糕, 可是戚風蛋糕像台灣蛋榚店的蛋糕, 而且你做的還不賴, 我希望有機會一星期吃一次.'
Sunday, 20 June 2010
念 Schumann
昨天提到今年也是 Schumann (舒曼) 200年, 為什麼都沒見到什麼活動. 今天徵得朋友同意, 把我為上個月音樂會寫的曲解拿來一用, 音樂會詳情可見連結.
希望有一天能在此一併附上音樂會演出的現場錄音, 對舒曼略表敬意. 有興趣的可以先上 youtube 找這組小品來聽, 有著舒曼特有的抑鬱掙扎中隱約浮現甜美的氛圍, 禁得住一聽再聽的作品.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Year of Chopin...it's also the year of Schumann too
(Picture taken from ABC) Just about the time that I start feeling had more than enough about Chopin and this article came up from Limelight under collaboration with Gramophone magazine in the June 2010 issue.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Blue Berry Rolling Sponge-藍莓蛋糕捲
Thursday, 3 June 2010
I Concurs Internacional de Composició
Montserrat Church June 3rd @ 1300
directly broadcast
Sunday June 6th TV3 Catalan Television
Abadia de Montserrat
directly broadcast
Sunday June 6th TV3 Catalan Television
Abadia de Montserrat
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Easy Chiffon cake recipe/超好記戚風蛋糕食譜
本來想趕在今天交出的曲子寫不好, J 弟說 '塞翁失馬, 焉知非福', 失馬的是我, 得福的是所有室友及 J 弟的胃.
下午死心不寫之後, 忍不住手癢想做蛋榚. 這學期到現在還沒做過一次蛋糕, 可見有多忙. 放下筆後真的也感到是該休息一下, 很想出遠門一趟. 前陣子重感冒拖了很久, 也許就是在警告我, 別想這樣硬撐一學期.
下午死心不寫之後, 忍不住手癢想做蛋榚. 這學期到現在還沒做過一次蛋糕, 可見有多忙. 放下筆後真的也感到是該休息一下, 很想出遠門一趟. 前陣子重感冒拖了很久, 也許就是在警告我, 別想這樣硬撐一學期.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Chia Latte (印度?) 辛香料茶
Chia Latte time! It is getting cold and really feels winter approaching. Also it is the perfect time to have a cup of home made Chia latte.
冬天漸漸近了, 上個月去緯度高的墨爾本時已經很有冬天的氣氛. 但在布里斯本還只有秋天的微涼. 不過近來晚上已經連續掉下不及攝氏15度過一週, 晚一點唸書或早一點寫曲子時, 已經可以確確實實的感到寒意, 正是可以享受 Chia Latte (辛香料茶-也有人稱印度香料茶) 的時刻.
冬天漸漸近了, 上個月去緯度高的墨爾本時已經很有冬天的氣氛. 但在布里斯本還只有秋天的微涼. 不過近來晚上已經連續掉下不及攝氏15度過一週, 晚一點唸書或早一點寫曲子時, 已經可以確確實實的感到寒意, 正是可以享受 Chia Latte (辛香料茶-也有人稱印度香料茶) 的時刻.
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Property Market Watch Update
May 29-30, 2010 Andrea Lunt, The Courier-Mail Property: Auctions rate in tough market.
Just spotted some interesting points in this weekend's property section:
The tittle actually said 'tough market', no wonder I found the market seems much quieter than last year. It also stated: 'Agents across the city have reported tougher conditions this year, with an average of one in four properties selling under the hammer at weekend auctions of late.' This sounds to me that at the moment the market are steady and slow. Wonder how long the market is going to remain steady, hopefully another half an year...but looks not likely to be that long.
Just spotted some interesting points in this weekend's property section:
The tittle actually said 'tough market', no wonder I found the market seems much quieter than last year. It also stated: 'Agents across the city have reported tougher conditions this year, with an average of one in four properties selling under the hammer at weekend auctions of late.' This sounds to me that at the moment the market are steady and slow. Wonder how long the market is going to remain steady, hopefully another half an year...but looks not likely to be that long.
Monday, 24 May 2010
五月音樂會後小記, 中菜館: Toowong-China Kitchen, Stanthorpe-Golden Grove 白酒
好吧, 其實根本不是音樂會後真的有什麼值得大書特書的心得感想或反省, 單純只是寫了半分鐘的四重奏怎麼樣也寫不下去而來逃避現實, 順便把一些生活中的零碎小事記錄起來.
以前寫的日記不知道收到哪裡去了? 中學同學 C 在我出國前夕送過一本那種用硬紙盒封上可以落個小鎖的精美古典日記本, 現在還收伸手可及的書架上, 大概是唯一留在身邊的一本吧. 看看以前寫的東西, 當時的感想, 是一件有趣的事.
以前寫的日記不知道收到哪裡去了? 中學同學 C 在我出國前夕送過一本那種用硬紙盒封上可以落個小鎖的精美古典日記本, 現在還收伸手可及的書架上, 大概是唯一留在身邊的一本吧. 看看以前寫的東西, 當時的感想, 是一件有趣的事.
Saturday, 22 May 2010
A Theory of Colours-amazing experience
It's already the end of May. How did this month pass so fast?
Many thanks to many people that made this concert possible. Putting on a concert involves million things an every detail need to work together to present a piece of work in the end. I can't thank more for taking a small part of this exciting event.
For people who were there I wish that you all enjoyed it. For people who were not there, wish to see you next time.
It has been a while to find myself in the middle of projects one after the other and I seriously miss it!
Many thanks to many people that made this concert possible. Putting on a concert involves million things an every detail need to work together to present a piece of work in the end. I can't thank more for taking a small part of this exciting event.
For people who were there I wish that you all enjoyed it. For people who were not there, wish to see you next time.
It has been a while to find myself in the middle of projects one after the other and I seriously miss it!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Melbourne 二日行食記-胡同, Box Hill, Brunetti 甜點
Thursday, 6 May 2010
迷你同學會食記補- Mt Tamborine, Montrachet
直奔大海後的隔天驅車上山, 這裡山上最流行的不是農莊果園, 就是酒莊了. 車程大約一小時的 Mt. Tamborine 是一個方便的去處. 每一次上去都發覺酒莊愈開愈多, 工藝品店也是愈來愈多. 有乳酪, 啤酒, 冰淇淋工廠, 有手工巧克力, 這次去連薰衣草園都有了.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Many thanks
Been placed right after Benjamin Britten's composition is a great honour, also a great horror. It is a thrilling opportunity to hear this work live and have the score right next to my hands. Still many to learn from the performance, the professionals and from the writing of the others'. Best of all, I am still writing and still enjoy the process.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Brisbane Concert Infomation
Date: 3 May 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 1305-1400
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Ian Hanger Recital Hall
140 Gray Street, South Bank
Free Admission
Sunday, 2 May 2010
難得的同窗相聚-Brisbane 一日遊 Mooloolaba
夏末秋初的四月, 布里斯本雖還是一片艷陽高照的藍天白雲, 但日照時間漸短, 陽光烈度也緩了許多. 這樣嫵媚的季節裡, 三位闊別多年的中學同學, 約在南半球聚首. 見到老同學從機場裡伴著秋初舒爽閒適的輕風走出來時的開心, 筆墨難以形容.
畢業, 入社會, 進職場, 不是沒有交朋友的機會, 但那種從憂鬱青澀年少就相遇, 見過自己最笨拙最單純時期的同學還是有點兒不同.
畢業, 入社會, 進職場, 不是沒有交朋友的機會, 但那種從憂鬱青澀年少就相遇, 見過自己最笨拙最單純時期的同學還是有點兒不同.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
馬卡龍小圓餅: Adriano Zumbo-Macaroons, nice to meet you.
Anriano Zumbo |
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Refreshing Morning at Sol Bread Café
What is the best way to release oneself from a few stressful weeks of working, working and more working? Take an early morning walk to a nice café, enjoy a cup of nice coffee and a great almond croissant. This proposal seems to have a great chance of fixing the problem.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on TED.com
Simply Brilliant. Comprehensive understanding and explanation for the structure and the plan of the piece. Moreover, loving it with heart and life.
By the way, it's Chopin's Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4
Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on TED.com
By the way, it's Chopin's Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4
Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on TED.com
Monday, 8 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
其實真的沒有這麼難, 如果能現場稍微示範一下, 加個圖解之類的, 我相信就算沒學過音樂的也一定可以理解...這裡的音樂會有會前講解, 很多人會提早個一小時半小時來聽. 可是台灣的情況...嗯, 不清楚.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
An $150 million question
Picture taken from www.artnews.com
Esterow, Milton. 'The Real Thing?: A fingerprint has intensified the debate about the origin of a mysterious drawing sold at auction for $21,850. Experts don't agree whether it's a 19th-century German work or a genuine Leonardo worth $150 million'. ARTnews. Volume 109, Number 1. January 2010. pp82-87.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
580 George Steert Sydney-Passionflower Ice Cream 雪梨冰淇淋何處吃?
Passionflower Ice Cream |
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