Monday, 31 May 2010

Chia Latte (印度?) 辛香料茶

Chia Latte time!  It is getting cold and really feels winter approaching.  Also it is the perfect time to have a cup of home made Chia latte.

冬天漸漸近了, 上個月去緯度高的墨爾本時已經很有冬天的氣氛. 但在布里斯本還只有秋天的微涼. 不過近來晚上已經連續掉下不及攝氏15度過一週, 晚一點唸書或早一點寫曲子時, 已經可以確確實實的感到寒意, 正是可以享受 Chia Latte (辛香料茶-也有人稱印度香料茶) 的時刻.

  • Cinnamon sticks/肉烓棒
  • Cardamom pods/小荳蔻
  • Star Anise Fruit/八角茴香
  • Fresh ginger root/薑
  • Whole cloves/丁香
  • Whole black peppercorns/黑胡椒
  • Ground nutmeg/肉荳蔻
  • Tea leaves (Assam)/紅茶葉 (阿薩姆)
  • Vanilla beans (optional)/香草莢 (按個人喜好)
  • Soy Milk/豆奶
  • Honey/蜂蜜
  • Water...對, 當然還要水, 滾水.
  1. 先把辛香料過火, 加熱去濕氣. 香料比例依個人喜好而定.  自己用的是以一支三寸肉桂, 一甜點匙的小荳蔻, 二顆八角茴香, 一根大約姆指長的薑, 三顆丁香, 一茶匙黑胡椒, 半顆肉荳蔻 (現磨). 
  2. 兩杯馬克杯的水, 煮滾後加香料文火煮一陣子, 火太大會煮出苦味 (忘了多久, 跟爸媽視訊聊了一下, 應該超過15分鐘). 
  3. 香氣出來時放茶葉, 個人喜愛阿薩姆搭配性高的特性, 過一分鐘 (愛濃茶的可以等久一點).
  4. 加同等的豆奶下去一起熱, 大概有 70 度就可以了. 
  5. 視自己喜好加蜂蜜.  香氣撲鼻之外, 喝了體還會很暖和, 最適合冬天的深夜.
  1. Fry the spices on the pan to bring out the flavour, (mixture varied according to one's like) add 3 inches cinnamon sticks, 1 dessert spoon of cardamom pods, 2 star anise, 1 thumb size ginger (smash), 3whole cloves, a tea spoon of peppercorns, 1/2 ground nutmeg. 
  2. Bring water to boil (2 mug cup) in a saucepan, add the spice mixture, simmer until the flavour infuse into the water.  
  3. Add tea leaves, wait for a minute (or longer for stronger tea).
  4. Add soy milk, bring it to around 70 Celsius, nice hot to drink.
  5. Add honey at one's desire.

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