蘭姆巧克力雪球-Christmas Rum ball |
在國外多年, 每年聖誕節食譜差不多就是這麼幾樣, 經典雖多, 成品作出來好吃的卻少. 能到讓我嚐過拜求食譜的算算好像只有兩道. 蘭姆巧克力雪球已經不知吃了多少年, 沒有一年讓人驚豔. 酒味及甜度極難控制得當. 酒加太多, 入口嗆鼻, 大人也許喜歡, 但算不上是能閤家共賞的點心; 甜度太過, 大人不愛; 餅乾內餡不夠甜, 小孩便不賞臉了.
幾天前家裡請附近鄰居來聚餐, 鄰居老奶奶拿來一盒自己做的蘭姆雪球讓在座賓客驚為天人, 酒味甜度平衡, 當下立刻請她賜教做法, 很奇怪, 有老奶奶掛保證的食譜往往就是比起一般商業食譜教的好吃. 比起五星級料理是各有千秋, 毫不遜色, 料理中有種家常質樸的美味, 安撫人心.
A couple of weeks back we had the neighbours over for pre-Christmas gathering. The Rum Balls brought over by an old lady few houses down were so good that I imminently asked her for the recipe. Somehow a recipe from an old lady always seems so much better than any modern variations. "Made by an old lady next door" is almost a label of guaranty in taste.
- 200g Chocolate biscuits
- 100g coco-pops
- 150g raisins
- 2 table spoon cocoa
- 1&1/2 table spoon rum
- 1&1/2 table spoon Kahlua
- 2 table spoon instant coffee (fresh made coffee used)
- 395g condensed milk
- 1 bag chocolate flakes
- Soak raisins in the Kahlua and rum for at least 1/2 hour
- Crash the biscuits manually (DO NOT use food processor)
- Put the crumbles, coco pops, cocoa and coffee into a large bowl. Stir in the soaked raisins (and the liquids), mix well.
- Add the condensed milk and stir well until mixture is thoroughly combined.
- Chill in the fridge (easier to roll)
- Roll the mixture into bells and coat with the chocolate flakes.
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