Sunday, 5 September 2010

布里斯本近郊一日去處: Queensland Montville 'The Edge Restaurant'

從 'The Edge Restaurant' 往海岸線眺望的景緻
It has been a very stressful and unproductive month. To release the tension I have decided to note down the nice place where I went with H last month.

和牛牛排 Wagyu steak
Montville is about 1.5-2 hours drive from Brisbane. Despite the fact It might be packed with too many tourists, it's still nice to spend an afternoon just enjoying a coffee and the view over looking the village.

The Edge Restaurant is a relatively new place for a spectacular view and nice food, pricey, but the food does match the expectation.  Taking a friend out for a nice lunch?  Not too bad a choice.

Slat and pepper prawn & salad with Thai style dressing
上個月老同學來訪, H 在國外走跳多年, 行程早規畫得好好, 完全沒能讓我能盡點棉薄之力的餘地. 趁一天休息相偕到近郊走走, 沒想到埔里出身的他一點兒也不稀奇郊區風景.  幸好中餐可口, 且兩人太久沒見聊個沒完, 也算盡興.

一到餐館, 隔壁桌坐了位年輕太太, 一個人跟一台娃娃車, 正在享用大餐.  她點的泰式萵苣沙拉椒鹽蝦, 香氣四溢, H 食指大動, 馬上決定比照來一盤, 我則是點了和牛牛排, 熟度拿捏得不錯, 對照價格沒有被騙的感覺.

不過 'The Edge' 最大的賣點應該還是那一片直眺陽光海岸的風景. 若是有一天閒暇, 天氣好時可以往東越過和緩嫵媚的山谷, 隱約可見亮晃晃的海面, 令人心曠神怡. 若是就著小雨, 霧氣朦朧中伴著鳥語嚶鸝, 又別是一種風情.  H 對我能一個對著一片山谷景緻打發一下午感到不敢置信, 莫說是一下午, 若是能不用天天進辦公室, 真想搬到這種地方長住呢.

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