Sunday 30 January 2011

Gahu: A Dance of the Ewe Tribe in Ghana by Steve Reich

Reich, Steve (1974). "Gahu: A Dance of the Ewe Tribe in Ghana 1971". Writings about Music.  The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Canada.

Composer Looks East by Sumanth Gopianth

Gopinath, Sumanth, "Composer Looks East: Steve Reich and Discourse on Non-western Music" Glendora Review:African Quarterly on the Arts, Vol 3 @ No3&4 2004.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Movie: Black Swan 電影-黑天鵝

Picture taken from official web site "" 26 Jan  2011
無法用喜不喜歡來直覺反應的作品, 但令人印象深刻無庸置疑.

Sunday 23 January 2011

The recovering progress of South Bank, Brisbane

State library of Queensland

One can not help to notice the difference of South Bank after this 2011 flood, how much it has damaged the area.  Especially in the evenings, the whole area sits in a heart breaking darkness.  If anyone like me walk pass, in and out of this place all the time, will notice the place holds its breath in an unusual silence.

Thursday 20 January 2011

靈感來自春秋烏來的簡便晚餐 Dinner, inspired by Spring Park Urai SPA & Resort's

昨天好好吃了一餐, 一覺睡足六小時, 早上起來便覺得世界格外明亮, 人間美好.

今天下班回到朋友住處為了處理些瑣事, 回過神來已過了七點. 澳網公開賽已經開打, 好想看, 晚餐怎麼辦? 只能從簡.  想到上週人還在台灣時吃到的蛋捲, 簡單迅速, 十五分鐘內就可以回來看轉播.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Queensland Flood 昆士蘭淹水, 國難當頭有力氣才能救災之三十分鐘上菜

腎上線激增的實例, 沙發飛到桌上
自四天前返回布里斯本, 直到今晚才好好坐下來吃個飯. 千萬別小看好好吃頓飯的力量, 有道是 "人是鐵,飯是鋼", 沒吃沒力氣是無法救災的. 況且進食不單只是得到體力, 心靈也得到撫慰而平靜.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

台南縣白河鎮關仔嶺溫泉-hot spring SPA vila in Tai-Nan

還沒回台之前和家裡通電話, 家人問到返台想做什麼, 我毫不猶豫回答: '泡溫泉!' 雖說以前在台工作時, 一次也沒去過, 但離開台灣後, 溫泉及小吃並列我思鄉名單上第一項. 澳洲寄居處無法泡澡, 實在是剝奪我舒壓的一大利器.  泡完澡後身體溫暖, 正好可放鬆入睡, 天大的問題也可以等起床再煩.

結果這次回台三週中安排了三個不同泡湯行程, 真是把我樂壞了.