Tuesday 20 December 2016

Junior log 1-12 Weeks

It's an event that I needed to see consultant before even agreed to try. Only knowing too well that it's going to be a tough task and H is too naive for the whole thing.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

2016 Short trip to Japan: car rental, accommodation, WiFi information日本旅行租車, 網路, 住宿資訊.


回台機票只要是學校放假期間都是淡季的兩三倍價, 因工作關係每次只能在旺季成行, 無法可避. 之前聽朋友提到華航從布里斯本回台的機位時不時有加一程到日本的優惠, 票價相同, 總之都要花大錢, 能順道去玩個幾天實在是很誘人的想法.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Queensland Rosewood Steam Train 布里斯本市郊體驗蒸氣火車

Steam Train, Rosewood Queensland

去年一年生活形態改變, 沒有課業壓力, 作曲發表也因 2014 年底交論文的緊迫而錯失計劃時間. 種種機緣, 使得 2015 成了難得的沈澱年. 週末有機會便出門轉轉, 到布里斯本近郊走走, 雖然在此住了十幾年, 很多地方都沒去過.

Friday 10 June 2016

Log-passing the first 2 trimesters

This log will be mainly to remind myself how much the dragon has tried to understand and help when we found out about the new family member.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

2015 Winter, Melbourne, South Yarra & Yarra Valley 墨爾本市, 南雅拉區, 雅拉河谷

Domanie Chandon
之前和 J 弟來墨爾本時住過一次市區飯店, 方便是方便, 但正市區嘛, 就是長得那個樣子. 金融活動集中的地方, 辦公室多, 餐廳商店什麼的多少沾了一點 '商務' 樣.

Thursday 7 April 2016

2015 Winter in Victoria, Breakwater Rock Pier, Hopkins Falls & Camperdown 維多利亞省之驚濤駭浪, 冰珠, 瀑布, 老鎮, 火山湖

Warrnambool VIC 
一般大洋路觀光是走到十二門徒的所在地 Port Campbell 就近休息一晚或折回. 冬季天黑的早, 跟團大約下午四點左右便會殺到這裡了, 附近能住可吃的地方選擇不多, 直驅回市區大約三小時車程, 還能去吃個宵夜.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

2015 Winter in Melbourne and Great Ocean Road 享受大洋路美景兼開心大吃(?) 祕笈

去年冬天偕 H 到墨爾本訪友, 喜歡旅行時能說走就走要停就停的隨性行程果然還是自駕最佳,  出了機場直接走到對面 AVIS 領車. 大牌子的租車公司 Europcar, Budget, Hertz, Thriffy 及 Redspot 在墨爾機場都有設點. 幾次在紐澳旅行覺得 AVIS 的性價比算是最高的, 車況佳, 費用居中. 自駕旅遊隨性方便, 但出門在外總是怕有萬一, 什麼都能省就是保險絶不可省. 租車時可以加選行車意外險, 也可以一出門先買旅遊保險.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Super Easy Green Tea Dusted Panna Cotta Recipe 超簡單基礎奶酪食譜

Panna Cotta with Green Tea dust.
Christmas is in summer here in Australia.

In the past I've tried to make ginger bread, Christmas log, Christmas pudding or whatever others 'traditional' desserts to be for the season. It never really ends with smiles.