The answer might vary from person to person. Whilst I can name a few people whom I wish had never known, there is also a list of places I probably won't give another try till the end of the time.
Old habits die hard. The sad thing I have learnt in the past few years is that as one gets older, it becomes even worse. If a person has lived the life in a certain way for longer than 1/4 century, do not even dream to see a fundamental revolution. The exceptions are rarer than finding Mrs./Mr. Perfect. It's really hard to understand why some people believe they can change their partners' behaviour. Also it's very hard to have sympathy when they fail (or rather, it happens so often, the sympathy fads out eventually).
Fortunately, while it might not be possible to change a leopard's spots, it is not impossible to change a bad restaurant.
A couple of years back when I first took friends to Belle Époque, the food we had reminded me nothing about a golden age. Although the food did not impress me, the price did. Surrounded by the démodé interior, looked at the bill and thought about the food, I felt like listening to Pavarotti (one of the 'three great tenor') after the early 90s.
Nevertheless, L said that restaurant had a new chef and we ought to give it another try. I happily agreed without too much hesitation. If there is a list of things from the most possible to the less, the chance of having a reborn restaurant no doubt will score higher than finding a reborn unfaithful friend or partner. The chances of teaching a monkey wearing tutu and dance will even score greater than that.
The last experiment was a much happier one. We went for lunch and the food were very nicely done. Fish was fresh, cooked to perfection and the duck was so much better than the previous time. It did leave me the impression of an old fashion French café/bistro and the interior appears more appropriate even though it was exactly the same as it was two years ago.
My dearest F, I have decided that Belle Époque will be the place where I will take you for dinner and toast when you eventually stop telling me that you believe U will change, Here is my word.
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