Panna Cotta with Green Tea dust. |
In the past I've tried to make ginger bread, Christmas log, Christmas pudding or whatever others 'traditional' desserts to be for the season. It never really ends with smiles.
Not that I dislike those rich and comforting sweet treats, but this time of the year is simply TOO HOT for any baking in the house.
Something can be done without the oven like the panna cotta become a regular around this time of the year. With a basic plane recipe, you could improvise and enjoy endless variations.
聖誕節前後要做奶酪似乎變成習慣 (冰淇淋蛋糕也是一愛), 南半球聖誕節正是盛夏, 歐式的傳統甜點全是超級濃郁, 要烤要蒸, 糖酒奶油深怕用不夠的花樣. 搬到澳洲來做簡直就是整人大賽, 天氣熱到想往冷氣房躲都來不及, 誰還會這麼想不開, 在房裡開烤箱?
本地的兩大連鎖超市龍頭: Coles 及 Woolworths 每月都有送免費刊物, 分別找了兩位大廚來助陣, Coles 的招牌是澳洲籍主廚 Curtis Stone;Woolworths 則是請到 Jimmy Oliver.
做奶酪沒啥特別難的地方, 唯一就是材料比例. 每個人愛吃的軟硬度及甜度不同. 個人偏好軟一點, 不要彈性太強像果凍, 大概是剛剛好凝固, 倒扣在盤子上會因為重量中間胖胖凸出來, 看起來豐滿誘人的樣子.
以前用的吉力丁粉沒想到今年超市換了產品線一下找不到, 變成吉力丁片. 害得我本來用得很順手的比例整個報廢. 因應新材料, 在此把基本比例記下以供參考.
- 600g Full cream fresh cream 全脂鮮奶油
- 600cc Full cream Milk 全脂牛奶
- 150 g Sweetened condense milk (sugar if needed) 煉乳或糖
- 6 pieces of Gelatine leaves 吉利丁片
- Flavouring 自選調味
- Soak the gelatine leaves in water. 吉利丁片泡水
- Heat up the milk in low-medium heat. 牛奶文火加熱, 忌大滾.
- Add condense milk and flavouring (and sugar if needed) 加煉乳/糖/調味
- Drain the gelatine leaves and stir into the milk. 吉利丁片瀝乾放入熱牛奶中.
- Turn off the heat. Stir till gelatine dissolved. 關火, 攪拌至全溶.
- Pour in the cream. 加入鮮奶油
- Put into the refrigerator to cool. 放置冰箱內定型.
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