"食物與廚藝" 與近年來的以西班牙 "El Bulli" 為首的 '分子廚藝' 流派對烹飪美食界影響甚鉅. 料理成了嚴肅的表演藝術, 其發展及爭議性與現代音樂有許多異曲同工之處, 身在領域之中, 感受別有不同. 但如同我看西方音樂藝術發展, 總是有把自己逼進死胡同的感嘆, 局限於單一價值觀的影響過剩.
進食是一種多方位的體驗, 中國的文人菜早已在此中鑽研多年, 不是特別新奇的概念. 宋代大文豪蘇軾的食豬肉詩簡易又朗朗上口, 其中 "慢著火, 先洗鐺, 少著水, 柴頭罨煙焰不起. 待他自熟莫催它, 火侯足時它自美." 烹煮的精要盡在其中, 想做東坡肉的不能不知.
草莓優格乳酪蛋糕 |
當天回家時間尚早, 一邊翻新書一邊有點閒情來烤個蛋糕消磨時間, 做的是好久沒碰的乳酪蛋糕, 這次是即興版草莓優格乳酪蛋糕.
- 250g sweet biscuit crumbs
- 70g softened butter
- 500g softened cream cheese
- 100g strawberry
- 100g yoghurt
- 1 cups caster sugar
- 1/2 cup mail
- dose of lemon juice
- 3 eggs
- 1 tea spoon vanilla essence
- Preheat oven to 160 degrees C fan force. Grease the round tin.
- Use food processor to mix the biscuit crumble with butter to nice lightly moist. Spread it at the bottom of the pan.
- Use electic mixer to beat cream cheese, sugar, vanilla essence, lemon juice, 30g yoghurt, mix well
- add in eggs yolks, one at a time, mix till well combined.
- at low speed, add milk.
- Use blender to blend the strawberry with 1/2 of the cream mix. Pour into the pan, bake for 15 minutes.
- Mix the 1/2 with the rest of the yoghurt.
- Beat the egg whites to form a peak, fold into the mix.
- Pour on top of the strawberry layer.
- bake for another hour.
- allow to cool before removing
爸媽在台灣. "正經八千" 說的好啊.
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