Wednesday, 16 September 2020

生日試作二 泡芙 Choux pastry trial

媽媽面對現實系列 之二 

試作二選泡芙, 本來覺得如果只是泡芙皮也還蠻好帶的, 到時拿一桶冰淇淋去一人一勺塞在裡面. 後來想一想這樣不是變向加重老師作業嗎?


第一次吃到泡芙夾沙拉是烘媽二嫂的聖誕節咖哩蝦沙拉, 當時驚為天人, 才發現拿泡芙夾沙拉不輸牛角麵包, 又脆又香, 油好像還少一點.

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Choux pastry trial 150g Self raising flour, pinch of salt, 15g sugar, 100g butter, 125 ml water, 125ml milk, 4 eggs Prepare: Butter bow: Melt butter Flour bow: Sift flour and slat. Add sugar and mix. Eggs bow: Beat the 4 eggs. Liquid bow: Mix water and milk. Heat the butter to over 65c, stir well, turn up the heat, pour in the liquid. Heat it up to boiling, keep an eye on the water evaporation. Pour in the flour, stir well. Should become clean and non-sticking mixture. Make sure it's cooled before stir the eggs into the mixture. Mix till it is smooth and shiny. Baking: Stage 1-200C fan forced 10 minutes Stage 2-170 fan forced 15-20 minutes #chouxpastry #baking #parenting #choux #homemade

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