Tuesday, 31 May 2011

J. S. Bach Chorales Harmonising Exercise No. 3 巴哈聖詠和聲練習


The idea of having some of the students to go through the 371 Chorales came up during a conversation I had with S the other day.  It was half way through the semester when one normally finds the patience starts fading out.  It makes it even harder when one needs to bear with the same patterns being repeated over and over again in different works.

This harmonic exercise reminds me the good old time I had with my composition teachers in Taiwan.  I simply can't resist the urge to redo it when I got home.  I have always had a great passion for harmonic or counterpoint or what ever kind of technique exercise given in composition lessons.  I have always been fascinated by the endless possibilities of patterns.  It is a great game, a fun game, a game could have the unlimited possible approach while watching out for the general principle of voice leading and harmonic.  What else could intrigue me even more?

一直對寫和聲過程中使用和弦排列的無限可能感到無法自拔的著迷, 自從第一位作曲老師 (張文娜老師) 和我媽說 '叫他不要再寫和聲練習了' 之後, 追求寫和聲樂趣的渴望只有在學校放假老師空窗期的空檔才得以抒緩. 連續兩次長假期間正好撞上當時留學中的蕭慶瑜老師從法國回台放假, 得以練習寫她從法國帶回的和聲題, 那種雀躍的心情到現在都還記憶鮮明. 早上騎著單車在微涼的晨風裡去上課, 心裡滿是不能遏抑的興奮.  剛開始被老師要求用四行譜記譜時實在很狼狽, 視譜奇慢又常出錯, 但久了之後也成了一種樂趣.  這種技術練習的樂趣是身為全職學生時才有的奢侈享受, 專心一致的練習實在是一件幸福的事.  衷心感謝老師.

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