Monday, 28 February 2011

Grove Music Online "Rhythm": Fundamental concepts & terminology -I

Justin London. "Rhythm." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. (accessed February 24, 2011)

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Aesthetic Suggestiveness in Chinese Thought

Gu, Ming Dong. 'Aesthetic Suggestiveness in Chinese Though: A Symphony of Metaphysics and Aesthetics'. Philosophy East and West, Vol. 53, No. 4 (Oct 2003). pp. 490-513. University of Hawai'i Press.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

The King's Speech 王者之聲:宣戰時刻

picture taken from
以故事流利度及主旨清晰度來看, 這部片更勝黑天鵝一籌. 但以衝擊性來說, 當然是黑天鵝勝出.

Friday, 11 February 2011

有音樂相伴, 人生不寂寞-貝多芬第三號鋼琴協奏曲 Music being a life time friend: Beethoven 3rd Piano concerto c minor op. 37

一生雖短, 有時寂寞起來卻也令人感到無邊漫漫. 孤獨有各式各樣的原因, 但寂寞的本質倒是古今中外皆同. 未必是身邊無伴, 未必是獨處冷清, 然而就算是在繁燈如星, 人潮似水, 家人朋友相依的時候, 寂寞也能像針一般, 無聲無息, 凌厲地突破層層防備, 刺入心錐, 全然不留給人轉圜的餘裕.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Commentary of 'The Musical Idea: and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation.'-II

Carpenter, Patricia and Neff, Severine. edited, translated, and commentary (1995) The Musical Idea: and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation. Columbia University Press: New York.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Commentary of 'The Musical Idea: and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation' by Carpenter, P. & Neff, S.

Carpenter, Patricia and Neff, Severine. edited, translated, and commentary (1995) The Musical Idea: and the Logic, Technique, and Art of Its Presentation. Columbia University Press: New York.

外雙溪林蔭藍天中的故宮 I- National Palace Museum 2011 visit I

讀書寫作是必需培養堅持才能保有的習慣, 一但稍有停歇, 再度進入情況熟非易事. 這次從台灣回來再次印證這個理論, 重新找回生活節奏跟調時差一樣痛苦.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

迎辛卯兔年, 除夕夜享鮭魚排--Happy Chinese New Year

除夕獨享鮭魚排, 年年有餘
幸好除夕本無月, 詩人騷客詠月思鄉留下眾多名句, 窗子正好是面著月亮初升的方向, 今晚若到眼前來, 恐怕免不了感到悵然.