Thursday, 29 April 2010

馬卡龍小圓餅: Adriano Zumbo-Macaroons, nice to meet you.

Anriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo 甜點店也是因為 MasterChef 這個節目引起一探究竟的興致, 不過對這家店的滿意度大幅超過之前提到的 Aria, 大概是到讓人萬分懊腦為什麼這家店不是開在住處正對面, 又或是萬分悔恨為什麼沒有拿個小冰櫃下去雪梨多帶幾塊烤派回來的地步.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

雪梨三帽餐廳: Est. Sydney- The amazing journey

Est. Sydney
早在雪梨行尚在計劃中, 便打定主意要去拜訪 est. 飯店的高級餐廳. 自從 L 在 est. 用餐過後回來讚賞有加, 講得讓人心動不已, 這個名字就被釘在用餐名單上.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Refreshing Morning at Sol Bread Café

What is the best way to release oneself from a few stressful weeks of working, working and more working?  Take an early morning walk to a nice café, enjoy a cup of nice coffee and a great almond croissant.  This proposal seems to have a great chance of fixing the problem.