Saturday, 30 January 2010

Arnold Schoenberg-ever since you sir, the composers need to explain what and why they do

Both Pictures taken from Amazon

As I stated, the day I finished the note of 'Did you say spectral?' I dig out Schoenberg's writing again.  He is one of the 'not quiet' one who writes and talks about his music a lot.  It was a trend at that time more and ever that composers must 'explain in writing' of what they are doing.  

Friday, 29 January 2010

The Revolution of Complex Sounds

After reading the previous note, this will appear to make more sense.  It has more details about how the work was put together.  Reading through the article while listening to his work explains the idea well.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Grisy's 'Did You Say Spectral?'

This is probably a good reading before reading Tristan Murail's "The Revolution of Complex Sounds".  There is none technical analysis, but descriptive and expressive words.  The tone of the expression reminds me of Schoenberg's writing, maybe I should dig it out and do a parallel comparison.

Grisey, Gérard and Fineberg, Joshua. 'Did you say spectral?'. Contemporary Music Review, 19:3, 1-3

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Terms & Notes for Technical Analysis

Chinese explanations for beginner at Yam

To Value:

P/E Ratio price/earning ratio
本益比 每股股價/ 每股稅後純益

P/B Ration price/book ratio
股價淨值比 每股市價/每股淨值

P/E Growth Ratio price/earning/growth ration

P/S Ration price/sale ratio

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Casual Lunch at Bamboo Basket, South Bank, Brisbane

If I have to name the most important task when one works at a fixed office location, the first one will have to be 'where to go for a decent lunch' (it used to be where to get the nice coffee, but thanks to L, it's now down to the 2nd position).

Despite the fact that I do often bring lunch to work (more often in winter than in summer) and store food in the office (in fact, store food where ever I am), I wish there are more than a dozen places, at least, I could choose.  However, the reality is never as sweet as you wish.  I could hardly name even three, taking the time (it need to be short enough to fit into a standard 3/4 hour lunch break), the food and the price into account.  Some of them I give an 'adequate' tag, and will be the only few places I visit.

Bamboo Basket Chinese Restaurant at South Bank has opened for just around a month, since then I have been there for three times.  It no doubt falls into the 'adequate' category. 

When it comes to 'Chinese' food, I could become a bit harder to be pleased (ok, maybe not just a bit) since Dad and his family have always been very sophisticated with food and cooking.   My grand-mum, my dad and all my aunties are experts in South-East Chinese (江浙) cuisine.  If someone ever going to say that I have an exquisite taste, it would have to come from the family heritage.

The first thing I asked is if the won-ton has 'white skin' or 'yellow skin', this tells me what kind of pastry it uses.  Personally, I like the white one better, less extra flavour.  The won-ton is not too bad, can do better with a thinner wrapper, more shallots or a little bit of cabbage, but it's already better than my expectation.  What impressed me is the noddle, it's freshly handmade in the restaurant, same as the won-ton.  The handmade noddles has this fresh and interesting texture that no machine-made could match. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The soup is too salty to my taste, also needed just a little more flavour.  I asked for some sesame oil for the soup.  The staff gave me some dark one but I was secretly hoping for the light one.  Nonetheless, it's not too bad, just a few drops makes the difference.

There are other food that I have tried, but this noddle will now be my first choice on the lunch menu and defiantly suggests me to have a noddle dish than a rice dish from the list.

Friday, 8 January 2010

夏季爽口涼拌菜- Romaine Lettuce (半結球萵苣) 戰鬥版


前幾天到 Y 家吃晚飯, 兩人簡單料理兩樣冷盤, 兩樣熱食. 其中一樣涼拌半結球萵苣 (台灣又叫 '大陸妹', 此名稱之由來據 Wiki 百科說乃是因為多由大陸進口的關係).  尤其得到 Y 的喜愛. 在此附上簡易食譜.

Monday, 4 January 2010


昆士蘭州立圖書館-The Red Box
新年第一週第一個開工星期一, 立刻進州立圖書館報到, 沒辦法, Goethe 的 '色彩論' 看的味如嚼蠟,  實在再也盯不住電腦螢幕. 查到 SLQ (Sate Library of Queensland) 有這一本書可以借閱, 便申請調書出來 (因為是老古董了, 要特別調書).  自己的經驗, 通常看實體書的耐心會多一些.