Sunday, 12 February 2012

D. Shostakovich Symphony No. 10 & S. Kovacevich's Beethoven No. 4 (蕭斯塔高維契第十及柯瓦契維奇的貝四)

去年馬勒辭世百年, 整年不用說是馬爺大發威.  2012年也該換換口味, 昆交第一場選了 Shostakovich 的作品, 令人耳目一新的選擇. 另一個大賣點則是 Stephen Kovacevich 的貝多芬協奏曲.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Programme note for Horae

Horae (Hours)

There is often a danger in discussing music, the form that produces nothing that can be seen, touched, smelled or even tasted, does yield a range of more ethereal results. It is this very human and personal reaction that can draw the line in the sand and provoke impassioned argument, from even the most amenable.