Friday, 12 March 2010

Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on

Simply Brilliant. Comprehensive understanding and explanation for the structure and the plan of the piece. Moreover, loving it with heart and life.

By the way, it's Chopin's Prelude in E minor, Op. 28 No. 4

Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on

Monday, 8 March 2010

Guylian Café at The Rocks -雪梨岩石區比利時吉利蓮巧克力專買店

The Rocks 這一區的地型感覺有點像縱向拉長再放大幾倍的台中東海藝術街. 小街小巷從望著歌劇院的達令橋下, 彎彎轉轉沿著坡度繞上去.

Monday, 1 March 2010


其實真的沒有這麼難, 如果能現場稍微示範一下, 加個圖解之類的, 我相信就算沒學過音樂的也一定可以理解...這裡的音樂會有會前講解, 很多人會提早個一小時半小時來聽. 可是台灣的情況...嗯, 不清楚.