Friday, 20 November 2009

Watching list over the semester break

There are a few legendry pianists always hold a soft spot in my heart.  Namely Claudio Arrau, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Sviatoslav Richter, Artur Rubinstein.  The list could go on for a big longer but better just stop here.  I have dreamt of attending their concert live.  If there ever is going to be an after-world, the possibilities that I might get to hear their playing makes the idea become rather pleasant.

Monday, 16 November 2009

白蘭地焦糖煮青蘋果葡萄乾馬芬 Brandy Caramel Green Apple & Raisin Muffins

Brandy Caramel Green Apple & Raisin Muffins
Completely in the mood of avoiding writing...

Brisbane is getting into summer. Now it gets so hot in the morning that just makes it impossible to sleep in. Since it is a day to stay at home and doing house work, baking muffins for breakfast sounds like a nice idea. I've always liked muffin recipes since they normally are relatively lose in measurements, if there is a bit too much or too less of something, it is not going to be the end of the world.

Monday, 9 November 2009

柏林圍牆倒塌 20 週年 & Beethoven Symphony No. 9

二十年前柏林圍牆倒塌, 二十年後的今天有多少人和我一樣, 不由得再一次地為了貝多芬的第九交響曲感到肅然起敬, 在響徹雲霄的合唱曲中潸然落淚?

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Oreo Cheescake

Oreo Cheesecake
Tried out the Oreo Cheesecake recipe given by a friend (thanks to D&P).  Last indulgence of the day.  Aduie to the break time.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Easy reading for Australian share market beginner

The Weather report says it's only 32 degree...felt like 36!  The best thing to do is reading in a cool room, here goes the reading note and my last day of relaxation.

Sunday, 1 November 2009


如果有問卷調查問最愛看的節目前三名, 那我的答案肯定是 1-料理東西軍, 2-料理東西軍, 3-料理東西軍.

以前在台灣工作時, 每星期一定守著電視看, 新的也好, 舊的也好, 百看不厭. 雖然對著吃不到的東西流口水是一件很痛苦的事, 不過從中得到許多料理的知識, 真的饞的不得了時, 就想辦法如法炮製個平民版出來.